Filter Coffee Beans
Filter products
32 products
Special offer
Espresso Coffee Beans
Miscela d'Oro Americano Classico 1 kg Coffee Beans
230 kr
255 kr
230 kr / kg
In stock
Special offer
Espresso Coffee Beans
Mokaflor FARM 90 % Arabica & 10 % Robusta 250 g Coffee Beans
107 kr
129 kr
428 kr / kg
In stock
Special offer
Espresso Coffee Beans
Miscela d'Oro Americano Classico 500 g Coffee Beans
131 kr
145 kr
262 kr / kg
In stock
Special offer
Espresso Coffee Beans
Miscela d'Oro Americano Classico 6 x 1 kg Coffee Beans
1 304 kr
1 449 kr
218 kr / kg
In stock
Espresso Coffee Beans
Carraro 1927 Tazza d'Oro Decaffeinato 500 g Coffee Beans
185 kr
370 kr / kg
In stock
Decaf coffee
Mokaflor Chiaroscuro Decaffeinato CO2 Decaf Coffee Beans 1 kg
479 kr
479 kr / kg
In stock
Coffee in Multipacks
Lucaffé Decaffeinato 15 x 700 g Decaf Coffee Beans
4 279 kr
408 kr / kg
In stock
Decaf coffee
Mokaflor Chiaroscuro Decaffeinato CO2 Decaf Coffee Beans 250 g
129 kr
516 kr / kg
2-4 weeks
Filter Coffee Beans
Here you can find coffee beans that taste best when brewed with drip coffee maker, in a french press or with other manual brewing methods, such as a pour-over dripper.
Under the Filter Coffee Beans category you'll find items from popular brands like Crema, Paská and Caffi. The most popular products right now are Crema Ethiopia Sidamo 250 g Coffee Beans and Caffè Paskà 500 g Coffee Beans. Crema Ethiopia Sidamo 250 g Coffee Beans now on sale for 88 kr (regular price 99 kr).